First, the students were asked to make rough sketches of how they would represent today’s women. They shared theirideas with the group  and justified their large range of choices.

 Then, they were shown sculptures and paintings throughout different eras and styles (from prehistoric times to the present). They had to identify them and place them on a timeline, in chronological order. A discussion followed about the differences of vision of the woman throughout the ages. Finally, the students analysed the work of art in detail and wrote a report on each of them. After giving information about the period, the technique used, the artist, they focused on the representation of the woman or women in the picture or sculpture. They were given tools to facilitate their analysis(technical vocabulary, what questions to ask themselves, what to look  at in particular,  how to notice and interpretface expressions and attitudes). They found what was implied in the painting or sculpture about the standards of beauty, the stereotypes according to the period of time and what it said of  the role of women in society.

The students learnt a lot about art and the representation of women in arts throughout the ages. . They improvedtheir artistic culture, general knowledge and anlytical skills. They created a Powerpoint presentation with theirreports. These pages once compiled will be part of an e-book compiling the outputs of each country. 

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OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
OOD Representation-of-Women-in-arts
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