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Women Open to Modern European Nations

VIC_ Bullying? I'm out Portugal, Victims, College, Erasmus+

VIC_ Bullying? I'm out

Description: The students have divided themselves into different groups to make the anti- manifest poster bearing...

21 Octobre 2021

VIC Sexual mental violence Finland, College, Victims

VIC Sexual mental violence

Young girls meet today very much sexual disturbing. It is also some kind of violence, a sexual mental violence....

17 Octobre 2021

INF The Finnish female politicians Finland, Lycée, Influential

INF The Finnish female politicians

Students practiced searching for information, making diagrams and interpreting them. Students studied how the number...

17 Octobre 2021

GIV Biological reproduction Finland, Lycée, Giving life and Educating

GIV Biological reproduction

Pupils studied how to become a woman– ->fertilization –> pregnancy-> child development. They studied written sources,...

17 Octobre 2021